Dean K Holden

Folding the days without getting creases

This seemed like a good place to throw any musings that come to mind

Preparing for days we struggle to perceive

Just a few years ago, the ice began to splinter in the sea of conformity in which we were encouraged to drift, owing to years of uncertainty in war-torn environments that fostered a denial of anything existing outside the protective paradigms we created. The sixties punched a hole in the rigidity, slowly allowing for more expansive thought to filter in, weakening the collective reserve as the egg began to crack and the dominoes prepared to fall

As awareness grows and ridicule starts to fall away, becoming the domain of those remaining in fear. A force slowly gaining momentum as insight reflects the hunger that denial always leaves in its wake, and the realisation that manipulation has been part of the landscape of those rising from a deep slumber. The last two years of energetic adjustments that are now being joined by the physical aspect of the evolutionary changes we are summoning with the level of intensity required to assist us in letting go of the illusions we have created. How much is my programming or me?     

 Our system, selective about what we perceive in case it might be expansive enough to threaten our normal, despite our desire to expand, causes us to run twice as far to cover the same distance. As we expand, so does the cosmos, which presently provides enough evidence of the expansiveness of life, even our self-defenses struggle to censor what our senses are already confirming.

Covid began to train us to look within and consider life less defined, preparing us for this time when our senses navigate what appears chaotic and find the order within it. Surrender being the modality for rebirth while we consider the question as to what it will take to get us there. The higher the energies rise, the more we employ the laws of attraction, separating lower density energies like the rocket jettisoning the booster, in order, we induce more harmony and to attract higher energies. Renewal always waits patiently for us to exhaust our resistances.

If reality is just a loose collection of molecules given form by our desire to see it that way, then we are also redefining the environment that propagates growth opportunities. Would we be here at this time if we were not utilizing it to its fullest extent? We can all look back at times in our journey when what appeared dark has now been perceived as a pivotal moment. If there was force involved in creating our illusions, then it takes another to redefine it. The approaching changes are all about us having the ability to be available to begin again in a new way, but first there has to be the disintegration of the old to make way for it.

The systems of separation, the need for control as a result of it, the polarized bureaucracy attacking itself, the deep dark secrets it keeps, fragments the system further as we draw closer to finding out who has really been behind the wall of manipulation that the increase in light is driving back. We still build in flood zones and allow the poisoning of foods and the rape of the Earth, the corporations that have lost access to the heart. Such densities begin to struggle as the world continues to move towards a lighter place, and we as a species advance from Kindergarten to adolescence.  

The great migration has begun as Gaia starts to set the stage for the unfolding. The seeds of not enough struggle to germinate within the raising of consciousness and the influx of new and dynamic young souls, encourage us ever forward as do the friends from other locations. The veils continue to thin, increasing traffic between those of a similar density while at the same time illustrating the fact that our cosmos is as diverse as sand on the beach and we are all slowly climbing the rung of life and reminding ourselves that that the stage always remains the same, it's just the costumes that change.    




The Great Reset

The Great Reset

As we go deeper into these changeable times, trying to come to grips with the increasing sense that our lives and the world around us continue to be less defined. For some, there is a desire to raise the sails to see where the wind takes them, while others, perhaps, want to lean more heavily into what is familiar as a counterbalance.  
As the days flow past ever more swiftly and the world demonstrates its ability to throw more challenges into the mix, it becomes increasingly more difficult to deny that unprecedented change is underway. We are so programmed to see life through our self-defensive lens that we often miss the bigger picture that would help us make more sense of what is happening on all levels that it is. As natural disasters increase, so does the opportunity to perceive what might be driving them.  

 We know our children need to fall down sometimes to realize the danger of their actions, but they will eventually evolve to become so much more from the experience. Humanity as a collective must also grow and become more than they have yet seen themselves to be. Adjustment demands openness and acceptance that there is a part of our journey known to a wider aspect of ourselves but not necessarily the conscious mind, and trust is the compass that allows us to navigate the unknown.    

Previous experiences remind us that we only integrate new ways of being when we have let go of prior ones, so there is space to create anew; if the change is not total, we just manifest different versions of the same thing. What it will take for us to let go of the old and be available to embrace the new is what we are now manifesting. It is not only us that is evolving but everything else that chooses to make the journey with us. On our move to a higher form, what remains in density must take a different road.

We already feel we know the world and our place in it, but so did generations before, who believed a ship out of sight was one that fell off the edge of the world. Around each corner, one more piece of the puzzle is always waiting to join what we have put together so far. It's a journey that never ends, and it's our imperfections that allow us to make it.  
What battles do we face? Not only the ones inside ourselves as we struggle to let go, cleanse the old, and free ourselves to move forward, but also the ones that rage around us. How much of our free will has been diluted by those who have believed it their right to control, preventing us from experiencing the power of connection within us all? It is waking up to gain a broader view that will free us from the one we have been conditioned to believe.   

A battle for our ultimate freedom may be underway, and if the controllers are vanquished, we will perceive a world and a history quite different from what we have been taught and what we are capable of creating. Mass energies have manipulated us, influenced prominent figures, and set loose the hounds of destruction to keep us in fear while their activities exist behind a wall of silence. It is not those who command the actions we perceive but the dark forces behind them.   

On the other hand, we are witnessing a mass awakening, increasing the light, powerful beings incarnating to play significant roles in our evolution, and the assistance we receive from those not easily perceived all driving back the darkness. Time quickening, adjustments from increased energies from the sun, innovations, and so many are coming forward to expand our understanding of our place within the cosmos, helping us grow.

How many secret shadow organizations posing as something else are being purged by the increased light and desire for transparency? Countries with dark histories release themselves, The inundation of low-lying lands, volcanism, and extreme weather. Helping us to let go and nature to vanquish old energies and reset.

We are presently seeing forces building along the San Andreus, Juan de Fuca, that could bring about huge change and also
Yellowstone could bring several days of darkness to a large swath of land. The floods and storms of Europe, extremities in other countries, and the water deluges of England are all reshaping the world and the societal structures we have become used to. How much actually happens and how we may rebuild anew depends on how we contribute to the whole by what we are willing to let go of today.  

Imagine the tenement block where people have lived for years, hardly connecting with their neighbors until the building catches light. Everyone pitches in to try and douse the flames, and before you know it, deep and lasting friendships are born out of the hardships. When we are free from the shadows and become open to rebuilding from the inside out, life begins anew in a more expansive and enriching way; we will have made the transition, and those who were not ready to embrace the light will continue their journey elsewhere. DKH

The Light Beyond The Shadows

It's not easy to see the battles beyond our own, especially in a climate where time no longer holds refuge and change appears as an ever-present visitor. The layers surrounding every event that only nonattachment can reveal are even harder to penetrate when suffering is involved. We are beginning to understand that so much in our world resides outside our preoccupation with self-protectiveness and normals.

The dry earth provides food for flames, fear, and suffering and, as a result, nourishes darker forces working to regain control and shield themselves from the penetrating light that increases as the collective chooses to slowly wake from the hypnotic slumber induced by controls that now weaken. A world now revealing the lack of randomness and how the increasing energies draw density to the lower realms and bring opportunity to those willing to draw in the light.

Like seeds laying dormant, the conditions are now ripe for communities to begin attracting their members and those who have remained silent, ready to make their voices heard. Nothing remains stagnant indefinitely; we tried to slow time by our conformities, but now that is no longer possible. We can perceive these ever-increasing changes in a negative light or perceive them as not only transformative but an opportunity in which to awaken and become the changes. Only when there is a clear canvas can new masterpieces be created.      

As bigger pictures slowly emerge and we begin to shake off the shackles that have limited our abilities and kept us in the dark about who we really are, from feeling our commonality and sense of source, it is not just the City of Illusions that is having to reset itself but the world as a whole. We attract what we need to break free from our assisted slumber. Each person who chooses to wake up shines one more light into the shadows.

     A battle is underway for our freedom, the signs of which are available to all who choose to see them, and some are being waged on our behalf. The more we contribute by extending our awareness, the quicker that battle will be won, but all freedom has to be earned. It is not instruction we require but waking up the knowledge we already possess, as while there is a sense of separation, there is a victim mentality and energies in survival mode, and we are most susceptible to manipulation.  

Information is everywhere; we just need to reach out for it.  The law of attraction implies that if our will adjusts itself, we will bring to us all we need to perceive where we have really been and where it is now possible to go. Our Earth finds balance not by forces outside of itself but from within ourselves as we cannot be separate, but now is the time we have received enough warnings, if we want it to change, then each of us must play our part. Otherwise, the storms will continue to increase along with even greater extremities.

The Hole In Days

May the light we are willing to extend reach all those in need of it.

It feels to me that this year is not only about coming together for the holidays, but also an opportunity to celebrate life like never before. The more light we generate, the greater the contribution to the energetic grid, illuminating those pockets of darkness that slow our evolvement to the next level of our journey. May we all affirm that the year to come will be one in which we no longer hold back no matter in what form our changes manifest, for if we knew exactly the shape of change, it would not be change. Wishing every one of you the happiest of holidays and the most expansive of New Year’s

We Believe Therefore We See

At the outset, it seems America has chosen not to move forward in this time of expansion. Of course, such an assumption is not so easily defined. As with all significant decisions, there are layers to them. In this case, factoring in the present climate of change, the energies of which have, I believe, been intense and multifaceted, carrying those forward who choose to be open as they deal with issues that a higher calling demands. Those who have constructed strong paradigms of normal and try to dig deeper in their efforts to escape the oncoming energies, rarely conscious they are doing so, are the ones facing the most significant storms.

When those who resist change begin to feel the realities they have created become more vulnerable, it leads to fear and rash decisions in attempts to maintain the status quo. The better the pain, I know two step, and the longer we have created such illusions, the harder it is to let go of them. Such mass resistance would have pulled us all back in time, which has been the case often; this time, I believe it is different. When we reach a tipping point when enough people are ready to evolve and outway those who resist change, the process of our rise to the next level begins, which means those who wish to remain in the past draw in even stronger energies in attempts to help them observe what keeps them limited.  

The human journey that is well documented in autobiographies displays all too well the process of resistance and the forces that are drawn to assist that person into letting go. Once that has happened, we can advance ourselves, enabling more harmony and balance in our lives and for those around us. The same process is illustrated collectively as we are all connected. Change is always inevitable; it's only ever a question of what it will take.

The elections have shown that America requires more help letting go of the normals it has created for itself. It is now waiting to see what levels of intensity it will draw in to assist in that process. How that plays out is in a direct relationship, I believe, to the levels of resistance, but the process is underway, and it will be strong enough to assist those who find it hard to let go of the paradigms of self-protection they have created.

Often, we see examples of attachments to larger-than-life characters who stand out in landscapes that we have allowed to become less defined, blinding us to the flawed natures of those individuals, whether they be politicians, priests, partners, or cult leaders. As long as they remain constant and assist us in maintaining normalcy, we offer them our allegiance, believing that what is familiar will keep us away from internal feelings of the unknown.

So, I feel there is little value in judging America's recent decision. The electoral pendulum is swinging widely throughout the world, illustrating that the issue is not so much the fluctuating candidates as the outdated system itself. America has simply chosen a different path and one that may well bring them to the brink of surrender much faster. The deeper we dig in, the greater the forces we attract, as we are designed for growth, not stagnancy. The next level of our evolutionary ladder has begun to ascend, and the lighter we become, the harder it is to remain in the shadows.

The winds of change are rarely comfortably received, but any form of labor has new life on the other side of our discomfort. We are a world on the move and affected by so many different forces presently, physically and celestially. Children are arriving with higher consciousness emblazoned on their young personalities; their predecessors make their voices known, become successful entrepreneurs in ethical ways, invent new and sustainable systems to assist the planet, or demonstrate their distrust of outdated governance by opting out of the system to live self sustainably or become digital nomads. The assistance we receive from distant relatives demonstrates that present power bases cannot weld weapons of mass destruction as easily as they thought. They also make themselves more aware that we are part of something much larger than previously assumed by increased sightings.   

The Mass chaos we are currently witnessing, I believe, is the wheat separating itself from the chaff. Our rise to the next level makes it all the harder for the controllers to dominate and keep us from the truth, so we can expect various attempts to keep us in our fear-based societies. If humanity successfully makes this leap, then those in density cannot follow.  

Gaia continues to rise up in her protection of what those too blind to see are still raging upon the Earth, and we can expect a great deal more until there is a full realization that we do not live on a rock but an incredible opportunity to grow that has a life force associated with it.  If we wish to limit the challenges we are now drawing in, our best chance is to contribute to the whole by what we are willing to let off inside of ourselves. All we require for a more balanced and sustainable future is already here but held back by those unable to move forward, causing the winds of change to blow stronger.                   

Nature shows us that balance is just a perspective away and that nature is interactive with everything available to connect to it. Where there is resistance, energy cannot flow as it should, and moving out of separation allows us to feel that what we do, we do to ourselves, and what we are willing to give, we give to ourselves, and the more light we invoke, the more we are drawn to exist in the light ourselves, attracting others who are waiting to join us there.      

The revolving cycle of advancement would see that each generation is more advanced than the one before, keeping us focusing forward while the mature generation shifts its focus to the past, limiting their ability to remain in the present, which does not have to be the case.  We are on the cusp of moving forward like never before, and we can be lighthouses for others who are preparing themselves for change and lessening the requirement for significant intensities.  


Which Path We Choose

Is dependent on how hard it is for us to see

Life's Long Roads Can Be Hard On Shoes

There is nothing like a significant event to throw water on a face waiting to awaken in a new direction. The loss of a dear friend, a new book, and time alone listening to the changes within myself while the world about me continues to make its own adjustments at a time when the only constant is our breath. I am left with little doubt that we are now entering a critical time in our development.

The energies surrounding the upcoming American election and those that have already passed in other countries are indicators of the pendulum swinging widely as the masses try to counterbalance how they respond to the sense of a world on the move. We pick parties that represent our availability to move forward, or we choose to support those that represent the past and the familiarity that we believe will keep us safe.  

A challenging prospect as the divisions grow ever more expansive as we outgrow the very system that we are obliged to sustain is now becoming the yardstick of our division. The system itself, like much in the educational curriculum, focuses not on where we might be going but where we have already been.     

As we evolve, so should our forms of governance, especially in creating a structure that inhibits the ability of one person to control the many. Ultimate power, as history would attest, can often prove disastrous for the fragility of human consciousness, and runaway trains are frequently created as a result. But better, the pain I know usually continues to feed the system.

 For centuries, we have believed there are leaders and followers because our insecurities have allowed us to become disconnected from the sense that we are all cut from the same cloth and all have the ability in some way to demonstrate our unique contribution.
The disconnection we have grown to feel from ourselves exploited by the controllers has created lives of unempowered, in survival mode instead of being able to feel the collective and focus on what we can create rather than building illusionary stockades to keep us safe.   

There is little value in becoming disgruntled about the process, as that just highlights our own sense of inadequacy, but by embarking on a journey where we can heighten our awareness of others and incorporating that into our programming, we start to realize that every adjustment we are willing to make within ourselves radiates out into the matrix shaping our journey forward.    

Everyone is playing out their own story here, and we are not privy to the wider aspect of their purpose, so judgment can be a tricky path to navigate when we are often the ones left with the weight it employs. Each new beginning requires the surrender of the old to be fully present with what it offers, as we are all evolving at different levels and speeds. No matter what route we take, we eventually come to ourselves to vanquish the battles that have raged within.  

Each generation adopts its collective viewpoint through the programming of the time and can become bound by it if we get too lost in looking back, which ultimately will shorten our journey as we are telling the system there is little value in being in the present instead of embracing the flow that prepares us for each new opportunity.  

It is tempting to get lost in the effect, not the cause, as the world appears to be descending into chaos. Keeping our energy focused on what could be rather than what we see currently is important as it helps set the stage for what we are drawing in rather than on the transformation process itself. As individuals, we look back on our lives and have seen the same process at work. The chaos we create, the mechanisms of surrender, the cleansing, and the transformation.    

Remarkable things are occurring alongside the darker aspects, working their way from this reality. Technological innovations, initiatives to reforest and clean up the planet, the demystification of mental health issues, the ability to access knowledge, the move toward community, the unfolding of the true history of the human journey, and the gradual acceptance of a more expansively populated universe. The list goes on, and there is so much more to come as we wrestle ourselves from underneath the shadow of the controllers to perceive more of what our true journey was.

We are connected, and the only difference is in the way we have programmed our minds. The old system would have us remain separate as we are more easily controlled, something easier to perceive as we throw off the old normals. Our growth shifts our relationship to time, and as we expand, we get to see more of what is really there and more of what we are capable of becoming. Drawing into manifestation the kind of world we are ready to perceive with the power of who we are becoming.   

As we become more aligned with a world drawing closer, the darkness recedes, and those not in alignment follow, so our divisions grow less while harmony increases, assisting those who need a hand as our self-imposed limitations continue to fall away with the expanding energies revealing more of who we really are.       
The less we need to be controlled, the more we can govern the self and attract only that which is in alignment. Those who will vote out of fear will create only more fear and isolation and will ever be at odds with a world that is ready to move on.

The birthing process is always uncomfortable as new life requires a cleansing of the old, and this immediate period of discord assists us in letting go as we decide whether we wish to be shaken from the tree or descend of our own accord.  The more sandbags we jettison, the higher the balloon will fly and the more available we become to call upon the assistance waiting in the wings. We see more ships because they allow it, we also observe more because we are allowing it.   

It's a daunting time as we enter a period of diminished definition, as it is no longer required to the extent it once was, and our compass is our ability to simply accept at this time of upheaval and subsequent transformation. A daunting but exciting time as possibility envelops us, and the beauty that all who dwell here have in abundance will finally begin to shine.  

The Presence In Tomorrows Calling

I suspect there are not many that cannot feel that something large is heading our way presently, leading a great many people to leap onto the bandwagon in order to offer their perspective of this current anomaly.

My feeling is that it’s not so much about the event itself but the objective of it. Change is the predominant factor on our journey through this world and the question is always: What will it take for us to command the trust required to embrace it for if we knew its composition it would not be change.

Our system is breaking down because it can no longer serve us where we need to go. Transition is often uncomfortable especially because we as a species do not let go easily. We have to become better people to live in a better world which brings us back to that question again. What will it take for us to let go of the normal we have created, that ‘normal’ that we feel keeps us safe even if we are aware of its limitations.

Nothing remains the same even if we work hard to create the illusion that it does. This is probably the biggest leap in human evolution that we have yet seen, as to evolve we have to break free of the gravitational pull of our belief that reality is a fixed position instead of a reflective medium, only in place to assist our observations of ourselves.

Any advanced civilization understands that it’s only the sum of all its parts, and its interconnectedness is crucial to any collective movement that it makes. It’s been our lack of this understanding that has set us upon ourselves and allowed us to create societal structures that permit mismanaged minds to wreak havoc upon large groups of people and all the suffering that ensues. We only feel helpless because we have allowed separation from self. When we feel connected we understand that what we allow ourselves to become affects the all. We are witnessing a system in its demise because we are evolving beyond it. We are empowering the self instead of empowering others to manage ourselves.  

We are now beginning to understand cause and effect, what we put out so we create and if we have become used to the fact that great change relates to discomfort because we are familiar with our resistances, then we at this time are going to project the worst. Yes, as with all great times of transformative evolvement there is the birthing process, the letting go, but a bright new future could be on the other side of it.

Inevitability is a loaded word as it does not account for that which we do not as yet understand, and we cannot accurately predict the future as it is created out of what we are willing to give to the present. It’s only minds that separate us from each other and by painting a dark future then that is what we will be drawing to ourselves.

The past teaches us that what we understand today may not be what we are able to observe tomorrow, so to forecast far into the future may set up perilous paradigms for our minds. If life is about growth and our ability to see ourselves for who we truly are then we come to accept that the future responds to openness for it holds what we yet do not understand.

Trying to give it too much form can limit its construction because we have yet to grasp that we are all unique but like a choir we sing as one and it’s our collective voices that shape what is required to assist us to reach the next level on our journey towards wholeness, and fear will only limit that process.   

The future responds to openness for it holds what we presently do not understand so it’s our openness that will draw it to us in the most beneficial way. Nature shows us that what is no longer of use needs to be discarded so new life can grow. Even the fire that takes the forest makes way for life of a different kind to follow.

What do most autobiographies, movies, plays, etc, depict? We create chaos, something eventually forces our surrender, we observe that chaos and then we empower ourselves to bring about balance. Life is just a reflection of who we see ourselves to be and yes, something big is heading our way but it’s not a prerequisite that it has to be all about loss and suffering.

We are veiled for a reason. We don’t get to see the future as mostly the future requires an expanded consciousness to view all that is available to us. As in our daily lives, the more open we allow ourselves to become the less harsh the lessons required to get our attention

The future waits for our embrace and the only question that is required of ourselves is: What does it take to gain our attention?
Let’s decide that on the other side of the discomfort of transformation resides the brightest future possible and we can begin to construct that right now through the power of our intention.  DKH

The Turning Of A Page

The passing of a Monarch has represented different things to different folks. I did find it interesting how many found themselves attached to someone who some might have felt illustrated elitism, privilege, power and phenomenal wealth. If we are also attached to creating ‘normal’ in order to feel safe then we are more liable to require icons that rise above our familiar landscape — not only the wealthy and powerful but the famous too, people who have created lives out of engaging in activities that we dare not.

Within ‘normal’, familiarity rules which means not only are we easily attached but also when change comes it can become quite overwhelming as we don’t let go easily, one of the reasons our collective progress towards a higher form of consciousness can be a long and complex road.

No matter, a page has been turned and not just a physical one as there was a representation of a way of life and value system that will now find adjustment in a successor, as each generation brings to the table a more expansive viewpoint than the previous one. It’s part of the mechanism of evolvement, the wheel of life continuing to turn.
I have a sense that this particular succession’s term will not be a long one and the generation then to come will exert the greatest influence, even though I have a feeling it will be the last before the system itself will face radical change.

Perhaps this has all come about when we as a collective are preparing ourselves for great change too, perhaps be readying ourselves to relinquish control of how we previously saw the world in which we have journeyed far. Am I willing to let go of who I thought I was so I can become more available to perceive who I really am? For it's only in surrender that possibility can really flourish.

I feel that there are always greater perspectives than those that appear obvious and the further back we stand the more those wider observations appear to be connected to others until we reach that place where it is hard to perceive anything as separate.

The terrible conflict that is happening in the East born out of one man’s obsession for control regardless of the cost to human life — I find myself thinking that we have seen these regional conflicts before and yet this time it seems to affect us on quite a deep level. Could this be because we have evolved enough to see the futility of war and the governmental systems that allow for one man’s madness to have free rein.

The tide appears to be turning and it may not be just because of the skills and dedication of those fighting to drive the aggressors from their land but also because those that were commanded to invade struggle to see the value in it and lose cohesion. As this war has reached so many of us and we send light and positive thought to those defending their lands, perhaps we are also playing a part and such energies we project are turning the defenders into super soldiers.

Could it be also that some in the invading armies who could not put down the darkness they carried have found exit points where they now go to places of the kind of density that resonates with that until they are able to observe their own process.

And could this be a vehicle in which the citizens of these oppressed nations controlled by a few finally rise up to bring about the change that will allow a more balanced and compassionate society that is free to express and to grow to contribute to the whole.

In the bigger picture perhaps some disasters were not just random but an opportunity that people gave their lives for so the world could see itself in a different way? For instance, a princess who met a tragic end but surprisingly affected women all over the world by invoking an aspect of the feminine principle. There are always events, always tragedies which don’t diminish the suffering, but can offer insights to wider stories that might also be at work.

We also see a political system in which there is more infighting than learning how to work with their differences in order to assist the people they represent. Should not such representatives be asking themselves what was their strongest motive for taking office? I have a sense the feminine principle will have leadership there before the system itself begins a process of revaluation.

We seem to be like deer in the headlights, unable to move in order to do what it takes, no matter how drastic, in order to reverse the current warming trends despite the fact that we are well aware of the consequences of our inaction. Commerce seemed to be aware and turned such knowledge to its advantage as a few companies bought up the world’s water rights, secured food production and the drugs and chemicals to keep our dependance and their control.

Soon we will see the super storms, areas that will no longer be habitable and the shifting of land, but we don’t change easily, do we? Better the pain I know than the possibility I could create. But we do move, but usually on the 11th hour when the brightness of possibility burns through the fog of the protective normal. We are already feeling the waves of adjustment and starting to grasp the sense that all is connected. Covid forced us into stillness and gave us a chance to make adjustments.

Perhaps I am so much more than I have yet allowed myself to be and if I allow myself to shine brightly then others will see my light and wish to ignite their own, and the power of the collective light will first expose and then drive back the darkness so we can then evolve, turn this world around, step aside for those younger, more advanced souls coming to lend us a hand and eventually become part of a wider galactic family. We don’t have to wait for the 11th hour, of course, we could begin now.

The Parting Of Ways

We live in a time when energies continue to feel as if they are ever increasing, luring us away from the illusions of linear time, leaving us to wonder why the days appear like a child’s fascination to catching butterflies elusive of the net. We have been informed that transformation is under way, and the effects of it are casting impressions upon our normal while allowing us to feel the pressure of our resistance to change.

Few would disagree that we are sorely in need of it, but the force behind the word ‘evolvement’ for many can seem more than a little daunting, for it suggests the standing down of the guards we have placed about our normal we have worked so hard to construct in order to give form to our vulnerabilities; our craving for definition to cover the manholes that put a lid over the unknown even if it may have drawn to us those that dilute energies of our own.

We crave more expansive horizons as it’s in our nature to do so while at the same time holding back to preserve those self-protective mechanisms, bringing about a juxtaposition that can often cause currents to clash and storms to brew amongst the reflective principle of the reality we are creating. We don’t let go easily even though we are beginning to understand such a position is a red flag to the bull of surrender.  

But assistance is everywhere in the form of bright-eyed children who display wisdom beyond their years and the undeniable lightness now emanating from others who are moving beyond the gravitational pull of their own resistances. This invitation to advance is appearing everywhere as the veils between what was once ca mystery begin to fall,in to fall revealing the commonality between us all. What I am willing to donate of myself towards change will be a gift to the whole, enabling the collective light to increase its ability to penetrate the shadows in which those subdued by doubt reside.    

Of course, the path forward can be rocky to test our determination and to become aware of the limitations we have placed upon ourselves that this energetic poultice draws to the surface for our acknowledgment; those fears that have worked their way inward over time like a shard of glass digging ever deeper, ultimately beginning to fester in order we recognize the disharmony before it influences the reality we are creating.

Of course, we can resist all of this, and many do, feeling that normal is the only flotsam in which to cling in an ocean that feels vast and devoid of definition. We can create even greater illusions to mask our traumas and seek control from others and their ideals, or aspire to control others in turn and inflate justifications for doing so. Over time, such perspectives gain density while our ability to feel the world about us begins to diminish, and our world starts to shrink, causing us to endorse more vigorously the stance we have chosen and the mechanisms for doing so.          
It's little wonder that once women fainted because of the emotional overload, a result of the society that limited their ability to express themselves. History has shown us what destruction can be brought about by traumas that have expanded to emotional tumors. Lives are shortened as the system interprets denial as an expression of the will to live. Reasons to integrate into life about us lessen while the construction of normal intensifies as our fears contribute to its density. The rationale is consistently found to keep us within the walls of the castle we have constructed that slowly begins to drift like an iceberg away fromthose around us who struggle to sense our presence the more our energies are contained.

Without the natural flow of forces, irrationality becomes our modality as we struggle to feel our natural senses that have been subdued by our withdrawal into the ever-diminishing reality we have created. The longer the spider gets to weave such a web, the harder it is to detach ourselves from it; even when those who wish us well extend a hand, we can no longer hear the voices that try to guide us back to the present.  
We live in a world of impermanence, and it’s our observations of ourselves that allow us to expand, and we cannot remain static. We embrace possibility, or we shrink from it and move back into the past to what was familiar to us. We let go, and we float, allowing the current to take us toward that which we have yet to perceive, as change would not be so if we knew its composition. Fear causes us to gain density and we sink until that time when we are ready to continue on the path of opportunity that this short human experience offers us. We can lie on the grass to enjoy a sky filled with wonder or imagine we are looking down and are about to fall into the void. There is always a choice in how we perceive.   

If life really is just a pile of lego for us to construct in any form we choose to quantify our relationship to matter and divinity, then there seems little merit in shrinking from the process to consider that life is simply survival; survival for what? We all exit in a short period of time anyway the same way as we entered, carrying only what we have seen ourselves to be. So, holding back only encourages us to continue where we left off at another time, but as this is not a race, then it’s only a matter of preference. Standing on the side of the pool where all our friends are happily swimming, it’s only a matter of time before we decide to jump in and join them.       

It's my belief that we are on the cusp of heralding in a new dawn of the human journey; how that reality is constructed, of course, is somewhat down to what we are willing to gift to it by who we allow ourselves to become today. How hard we propel a rock into a small pond dictates the size of the ripples that will, in time, reach the other shore. The violence and the chaos we see about us presently is distressing for us all, but so is the fire that sweeps through the forest, consuming everything in its path, until the day arrives when we witness the new growth replacing the old and a forest healthier and more balanced than ever before.   

living Within The Undefined

Space is often seen as the final frontier. To me, living in the undefinable space within and around us and being able to accept and embrace that state of neutrality is the ultimate destination. Why? Because I believe that every sentient being occupying a third dimensional reality, no matter where and in no matter what form, is aspiring to that state, ultimately. The rest is window dressing.

That state of neutrality, non-attachment, is what allows us to connect with the universe at large, and, of course, our very natures, but it can be a long and challenging journey to get there because we are up against all that we have commissioned the mind to construct with the programs we believed would keep us safe.

We are all unsure deep down of the space we actually occupy as we know on some level it is temporary, not our real home or state of being, and as most find the unknown to contain too many variables we commission the mind to construct what we in time term normal — our view of reality and the place we choose to see ourselves existing within it. We then charge the mind to keep the illusion safe and to go to great lengths if necessary to secure our perspective of it. Better the defined illusion than the fear of what we don’t know.

As we go through life we begin to realize that it takes more work to swim against the stream than to allow ourselves to flow with it, but of course the longer we have been supporting our illusion the harder it is to change the program. It's usually fear that installs programs and it often takes something quite strong to help us remove them, and every autobiography will certainly illustrate that point.

There are moments when we can find ourselves through various circumstances paying visits to the detached state that I am referring to but the thought of reality being an illusion constructed solely for the purpose of self definition is usually a concept unnerving enough to see us hightailing it back to our own particular constructions. We would all like to feel that we are living undefined choice-orientated realities but mostly we are like snails residing in a shell built from our own particular normal.

It’s that conditioned expectation of the world fitting into our normal that makes change a hard pill to swallow and that is why sometimes the bowling balls that tend to head our way periodically can be quite large as we don’t let go very easily. That is why there is so much upheaval in our world at present, as we radiate what we are. So much uncertainty, as that is the mechanism by which change is most easily initiated. We are all designed to rise energetically but our resistance is what keeps us at the lower vibrational spectrum and the world at present is attempting to pry us loose like barnacles so we can evolve into the next version of ourselves and when the world about us struggles for definition, that is the time when we become more pliable.

Letting go has been a buzz word for a long time, but letting go into what you might ask? Think of it this way for a moment. We are here on this Earth, on this plane of existence, for a short time presently, 70, 80 Christmases maybe, not long, but most have a sense that there is something more than this. More than just our ability to survive but while we live mostly in the mind the nature of our journey remains often just out of reach.

If we came from something more than this and we leave to go to something greater than this then it would seem logical that part of us on some level would know about the purpose of our journey. Accessing that information is not easy especially as we live in a world where our purpose is veiled. Harder still when we live in the mind and reside in our states of normal.

Observing the normals we have created already begins to weaken our attachment to them and the cracks that appear can be widened by our desire to expand beyond their influence. Attachments are only ever built from the foundations of not enough. The more weights we are willing to let go of the higher the balloon will begin to rise and the greater the view over the landscapes we have helped to shape.

Dispelling the illusions brings us closer to being able to reside for longer periods in the not knowing, the place where trust becomes our compass and acceptance our guide as the only requirement for form is because it is showing us something. There is never nothing going on or happening around us. As we rise we observe mystery falling away as our sense of connection to everything increases. We become the astronauts tethered to Earth but have an overview where separation is much harder to subscribe to.

We understand compassionate detachment where we can allow others to feel our presence but we are also able to perceive what created the drama of the moment so we ourselves do not get lost within it. To live fully in the undefined, that state of true neutrality where our senses and perspectives are no longer colored by our sense of not enough, therefore there is less requirement to continue to attract examples of that.

We move from survival mode to a co-creative one and beyond our sense of separation, no longer resisting the flow but accepting we are part of it, observing everything but holding on to nothing. It means that each moment is encased in possibility where judgement has no place.

Coming home to ourselves shines an ever brighter light on the shadow dwellers, causing them to rise up in defense of their fears, but we know once they expose themselves for who they have chosen to be, change has already been summoned, never fast enough but always at the right moment. The lighter we become the less attached we are to density and the more we gift the whole.
We naturally aspire for change, mostly, but we are having to deal with the very programs that we helped install that slow that process down. We read the book, take the course and go to the lecture and often find some reason why we cannot commit to the process. Something is pulling us towards the next book, the next course, because we forget that the mind has been commissioned like security guards to protect the normal we have created. Subscribing fully to something that might change our lives completely is seen by the mind as a threat and movement towards change is often subtly averted.

Like a computer (which the mind is) retains programs until they are removed, we often call large events into our lives to help us do just that, remove those blockers, and that comes about when we are forced to surrender by one mechanism or another, and then life begins again in a more expanded way. Again, reference autobiographies, movies and books, they mostly carry that theme within them somewhere.

Life frowns upon complacency as underneath there is always a desire to be more than we have seen ourselves to be and a bowling ball ends up coming our way which we call in as part of us wants to expand no matter how many patches we try to put on our normal. The more we expand, the greater the ability to see that reality has no fixed form and we do have the strength to exist within that knowing, as that state actually is our natural habitat in the realms that we will return to soon enough.

How many times have we had a powerful experience away somewhere and returned to what was familiar, only to perceive aspects of it that we have never noticed or seen before? How often have we looked into the past only to realize that we are now seeing the same thing in a different way? When we evolve we don’t necessarily see new things but we do see more of what is already there, which is new. The stage remains the same, it's only the costumes that continue to change.

The people looking at the same painting in the gallery — do they all see it exactly the same way or are there variances? Is there one ultimate perspective for that painting? Perhaps not, and if that is the case then it’s one more example that what we call reality may be more pliable than we were led to believe.

That song that just came on at just the right time when we needed to hear it; the person we run into by accident turns out to be no accident at all. There are endless examples but, like déjà vu’s, we tend not to dwell on the experience with the help of our programs lest it makes us feel somewhat untethered. Perhaps reality is merely a reflective medium in which we gain opportunities to perceive and manifest whatever is part of our growth.

As mentioned, it can be unnerving to send postcards from the edge, to feel unconnected from the previous states of normal that we have created, and be all right with that to a point where we can learn new ways where we become detached while increasing our ability to be present.

There are many who have the ability to question the reality they have created but get lost in the questioning itself, the desire for quantification which the brain is not able to offer, and then instead of letting it all go we can get caught up in the loop of wanting the mind to indicate where we are, to give measure of our process — the kind of questioning the mind interprets as a problem which sends it searching through the filing cabinets for an answer it cannot find, which causes us to question more, and then that looping becomes after a time the new normal and not a comfortable one.

The journey of finding comfort in the not knowing takes us away from seeking and into acceptance; a gradual journey of peeling back the layers as we reveal more of what we have constructed to keep us feeling like we might fall into the void. As we get more accustomed to the undefined the mind gets more used to the idea and puts fewer demands on requiring definition until that time comes when there is increasing acceptance of non-attachment.

When we cross the desert of our own self doubt, what lies on the other side is the opportunity to create ever expanding normals until we no longer require a state of normal at all. We just are. The brain is integral to our journey here but it is not who we are, it's just part of the mechanism to assist our short residency by running a complex system.

The energies that descend upon our world presently may seem to be endorsing the chaos that appears global, but it's a force that is centrifugal, assisting in bringing the inside out; order to the chaos which makes it harder to create new normals in which to hide and so we are encouraged to let go, accept and be, and make ourselves more available to evolve into the next version of ourselves. We are all, at our own pace, moving towards the undefined, that final frontier.

An Affirmation Within Time

The Circle Expands

It’s that time of year again when we gather ourselves in preparation to create the kind of space that we are used to visualizing, but this year we may well find it’s a whole lot more. There will be celebration, but our senses will be directed beyond just our immediate surroundings because part of us knows that the more we give of ourselves the greater the contribution to the whole and the collective is empowering itself to make the leap to the next level of consciousness while uncoupling from those that wish to remain in the shadows.

The higher our vibration rises the less we become lost to the illusion of time and there are few that cannot feel how life appears to be speeding up and the recall of distant memory frequents our minds with ease, for we are taking advantage of this remarkable increase in frequency to clear what would have previously taken lifetimes. Mystery is dissolving before our eyes as we invoke the trust in our own observations rather than those who walk heavy under the weight of their own agendas.

The unseen is now increasingly being observed while the unfathomable slips into logic as we allow our senses to lead the way rather than following like sheep as we once did and this allows us to draw ever closer towards governing the self. Our own advancement, while being an individual process, cannot be that alone if we are all connected. Each move we make is reflected within the whole and encourages others to do the same.

The collective, by their agreement to expand and be available to cleanse, is adjusting the very fabric in which we exist causing cycles to move more swiftly and the wheel to turn more expansively. We are starting to invite nature in as we can feel the benefits in doing so, as trying to fight nature is to do battle with ourselves.

There is no longer an excuse for ignorance as Alexandria’s Library has now been returned and there are very few places where knowledge is not accessible while transparency increases and the word ‘business’ is no longer an excuse to treat others poorly. We are becoming less lost to the mind by understanding its place in the system and how by invoking the power of the self to work alongside it there is greater opportunity for harmony.

The law of cause and effect, as they are increasingly understood, tempers our extremities and allows for a pause in application, and we are starting to see that there may not be anywhere to get to in life save the observations such a journey can offer our ability to grow and free ourselves from the limitations that fear has created over time. We are no longer trapped in a maze of inevitability but free to align ourselves with the inner aspirations that can drive us towards what we strive to understand.

We are a world that is veiled, but we are working to de-cloak ourselves just like the ships that deliberately allow themselves to be seen so we can draw in the idea of a wider cosmos into our normal, and as our collective energies rise there is less requirement to veil the past so the integrity of the moment can remain intact while we observe the flow of our existences.

We are grasping the concept that reality is simply a reflective medium in which we are given opportunity to perceive our limitations and how the body mind and spirit are the mechanisms that allow us to exist in this degree of density in order that we can unite with the lessons we have chosen for ourselves. We are accepting more that science, while having value, is often hindered by the fact that it gravitates towards tangibility while so many of the forces that are in abundance in our universe require more than just the mind to observe.

Such phenomena like Bigfoot are being observed more than ever before because the sightings are mostly deliberate in order that we adjust our normal to incorporate the fact that many exist in dimensions different from our own and have always visited this reality, leaving in their wake myth and legend that we are now observing as clues to a more expansive past than we have previously allowed ourselves to perceive.

Those that have seen themselves as controllers of this world are being flushed out of the shadows by the light that we are collectively bringing to the world and the feminine principle, once subjected because of the lack of understanding of its force, is now on the rise and at last being seen as integral to the balance required to move forward successfully.

The voices of those advanced souls come to offer assistance now they have a global platform in the form of the internet are ringing out throughout the world, summoning us to break through the self protective layers that we have allowed to keep us from ourselves and our true potential. Those that seek to keep us in the dark so we are more easily controlled are losing their grip and becoming more desperate. Standing together and standing in the light only makes their goal of domination more difficult and now the force of the young is being unleashed, driving the darkness ever further back until the time comes when such opposing polarities will no longer be such a prerequisite to growth.

It’s understandable to perceive the road ahead as one descending into chaos but remember it always gets darker before the dawn and we know that humans do not let go easily and so we must go through the period of cleansing within ourselves and the world about us so a new normal can be established and one that promotes the power and omnipresence of the human spirit and does not try to subdue what it does not understand.

There is always the falling away of what is no longer required for growth and as we progress forward balance is drawn to center stage and we at last begin to observe what co-creators we really are and our longevity is predisposed by our belief in ourselves. The less weight we carry the longer we can reside in this most remarkable of places and the lighter we become the shorter the distance to those higher realms where part of us always resides.

The more present we allow ourselves to be the greater the presence we exude and what we give to the moment creates our future. We are now becoming sensitive enough to feel the ripples that others create in their disharmony and we are in a better position than ever to use our own forces to assist others to become more aware of their own.

This is a remarkable time of the great unfolding and we all have a part to play. We don't have access to the wider story so judgment can be a hindrance as even suffering can be seen as an opportunity.
So coming out from under our own shadows to allow ourselves to become all that we can be will make the greatest contribution towards this present metamorphosis of change and give us the opportunity to become conscious creators moving forward, so let’s make not holding back our number one resolution for the most changeable of years coming up.

All images and Text by Dean K Holden © All Rights Reserved 2024

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