Dean K Holden

Post-It for the Mind

A repository for observations and short discourses
Sometimes it's the thoughts contained in note form that can help to slip through the firewall we have in place that our programs have created in order we instigate self-protection. we crave movement and when we attract it we wonder why we were not moved to action by it forgetting that first, we have to become available to receive otherwise it will just wash over us like a rock to an oncoming tide as the brain will just perceive such information as a threat to our normal and steer us away from it.

If we struggle to see what is around us, we may encounter vision-related challenges. By struggling to hear, we may face a long period of only knowing how to talk when no one listens. By not acknowledging our feelings, we may attract only those who keep their distance. If it is hard for us to say what we feel, we attract emotionally distanced people, and if justification is the tool we have used to compensate for these issues, we might find that we draw in challenges significant enough to redefine so we can see, hear, feel, and tell ourselves what is actually unfolding about us at this time.

The Light That Shines Through

A universe as varied as our imagination, containing countless planets and dimensions separated by frequencies resonating at different rates. As the collective has evolved to create a different harmonic, its expansion brings itself closer to those dimensions that are resonating at rates not that far removed from our own.

This creates conditions for those who can shift frequencies enough to enter this reality. Long ago, under certain circumstances and especially in places where the veil was thin, there could be bleed overs dimensionally. Occasionally, humans could traverse, but more likely, traffic would find themselves on this side, giving rise to some of our mythical folklore.
We are not expanding into higher dimensions, for as we evolve, so do other realms. However, as our frequency increases, it eases the passage of those who know how to traverse dimensions closer to ours, and they can stay longer. Such beings we consider mystically evasive, but of course, they can come and go leaving us to slowly piece together that our universe is a lot more varied than we have so far allowed ourselves to perceive   

A Wave to a Passing Ship

In any adjustment period, especially now when the surfs up, we can expect aspects of our past to turn up, sometimes literally. Previous relationships might arrive back on the scene, and dreams or a flood of memories may appear out of nowhere. A draw to pick up the old photo album and thumb through it or daydream about what might have been.

I have always found violent dreams, or even nightmares, follow on the heels of difficult or anxious times as if the system itself needs to play out the tensions to release them. A resurgence of the past is not dissimilar. Uniting with the past momentarily to separate from it, freeing ourselves from any emotional charge that prevents us from moving forward. A yardstick to see what emotional charges still, if any, remain.  

Such experiences or observations may raise emotions, which is another form of release. Just because the past has to be set free so the moment has room to grow does not mean we diminish its value; we are just allowing it to be in its rightful place so we are not tethered to it. The more present we are, the stronger our relationship to the laws of manifestation will be.    

Being able to fly through the eye of a needle references that. We must move forward to higher ground, free of encumbrances, to be as available as possible for the changes now beckoning us toward more expansive versions of ourselves.   

As the current wave of change carries us forward with ever-increasing intensity, it challenges us not to divert from a more profound sense of being connected to something more expansive than ourselves as we transition from infancy into adolescence. If we allow ourselves to consider that a broader picture is unfolding, and we are all part of its resolution, the stronger the controllers' desperation to draw us back into fear becomes.  

As our consciousness unites, believing that a more positive, lighter, and balanced world is possible, we push back the shadows even further. That desperation extends to attempting to invoke fear and panic through false flag alien invasions and the other fires constantly being lit worldwide for the same ends.  

Holding firm to our beliefs that we are done with being manipulated into believing that we are any less than perfect as we are, bringing about the disintegration of the old guard more rapidly, setting us further free to see our energies rise, linking with others of the same and reminding us that if we become rigid, we sink, and when we let go, we flow, and our intuition becomes our guide when chaos  
obscures the view. DKH

By looking for the negative we miss the beauty of the of the lesson that each moment carries within it. DKH

The more you know, the less you have to say and the greater your influence beyond the limitation of words. DKH

By hiding from others, we hide from ourselves and, over time, absorbing into normal until we forget where our real nature resides. DKH

Mostly, we do not mean to hurt each other, we just become blinkered to others pain because we are so absorbed in our own. DKH

We are not so much worshiping a rich and privileged family, but more the state of normal that it represents as we have become used to the need to have icons that seem larger than ourselves because they represent the inadequacy we feel within. Once we are ready to inherit the independence that comes with accepting our own sovereignty there will be no requirement for excess wealth and power as we will feel that in the greater community lies the balance that we will always be a part of. DKH

Creator, I would ask not to lessen the discomfort, for I know there is a point to its existence, but assistance in its reasoning would be a welcomed gift. I would seek a time when I no longer struggle with the separation within myself and all I manifest about myself. I ask that I enter this time of great change in a place of surrender so I may fully embrace the all that I am. To feel the warm breath of those no longer hesitant to draw close in their caring and that the gifts bestowed upon me will flow unhindered to those comforted by their receipt. As the rising of a new sun drives the shadows from my domain may I feel under my feet a soft carpet woven from the threads of gratitude, grace, and acceptance, and may I be unafraid to greet tomorrow's uncertainties with the trust in myself that I am now willing to employ. dkh

We are all universes unto ourselves and yet bound by a common thread so working together harmoniously is not an easy exercise, but one that can carry great rewards for it means that our caring for others will induce greater flexibility in how we chose to observe events, for there is no one way to see anything. By engaging others in openness we create greater opportunities for them and for us, as such exchanges assist in exposing our own limitations, subsequently allowing us to draw ever closer to our own true nature. DKH

I will allow myself to be unafraid to enter a space that I feel is undefined, as my craving for definition in the past has always entrapped me within my insecurities. I will trust my senses to guide me as I learn that there is no true definition, only the scenarios I am attracting to the canvas in which I will illustrate my limitations so that I perceive what they really are.

  Emerging from the shadows of my own fears to accept that I am no more or less than anyone else on the journey of coming home to the self, and it's just the path I have chosen that illustrates my uniqueness. The more I accept this, the greater the sense that I am really a co-creator and all that I allow myself to be will be felt by the collective as a whole. DKH

 We are coming to understand that the only way out of darkness is by the light we are willing to contribute. This final battle unfolding presently is the cleansing, offering us an opportunity to contribute to a brighter future by enabling ourselves to become bright. Letting go of what has been so we can be in receipt of what can be. The future is not bestowed upon us but created by what we are all willing to give to the present moment. DKH   

  As forces gather, it may seem that we are moving into darker times, which we are, but temporarily, as we discover what it takes for us to be able to let go of the normals we have created so we can then be available to become all we can be. The more open we become, the less the intensities need to be.  DKH

 The sense of everything speeding up, the result of our vibrational rate rising, sees resistance as confusion and acceptance as flow with the ability to reassess the past to give more to the present. Allowing what is not harmonious to drift away and draw what is more harmonious to us.  . DKH

 Observing the migration towards community, the increase in transparency, along with the realization that we are not alone in the desire for advancement, make those who continue to strive for normal, believing it will keep them safe, trying to control others while pretending the old model is not disintegrating stand out more than ever. DKH

 I can feel the movement and sense the changes. Now, I have learned to accept that I am also the changes I am becoming aware of. Let not the view of my own imperfections slow my ability to assist others and myself, as imperfection allows us to remain at this degree of density where we can continue to grow through the lessons we attract.  DKH

In opening the door to change, it is much harder to try and close it again instead of embracing the unknown and walking forward into possibility DKH

Change begins with the crossing of the desert of our self-doubt to embrace the place where our perfections and imperfections co-exist in acceptance and are no longer limited by survival mode and the fear that comes from it.  DKH

For those unable to see value in my presence, I will find the courage to let them go, knowing that by doing so, I am opening the door to those who can.

For too long, mismanaged minds have been allowed to impose their will only because we have not believed in our own. As the Earth cleanses itself of those of a greater density, we are increasingly charged with invoking the light within ourselves so we can begin to start governing the self and reprogramming the consciousness in the belief that we can .  DKH

Being available for everything but holding on to nothing increases the opportunity to avoid getting lost in the illusions we and others create in our search for definition. Our senses are our compass in navigating the undefined and feeling more comfortable there, so we feel less in separation and where judgment serves no purpose but to add weight in our journey towards the light. DKH

We construct our realities around our traumas, and the more we get to recognize that, the less we attract the illustrations that traumas require, and if hope is always present, possibility is never far away.  When you are present, your energies flow out, and when you are not, you absorb them. DKH

There is always assistance if we are open to receiving it, and those who wait patiently for us to balance our frequency so we can walk amongst them openly as they do us will be the time when we discover how infectious awareness is as those who emanate presence call us to do the same.  DKH

It is the rise of the feminine principle that heralds the world back into harmony, despite all the efforts of those who have always been fearful of the power that such a principle represents, forgetting that there is masculine and feminine within us all and by its suppression, we are only holding ourselves back and the joy that comes from a more balanced society DKH

As the energies about us continue to increase, it's like taking an elevator where instead of getting off at our usual floor, we find the courage to allow ourselves to ride several floors higher. From there, we observe how the view lets us see the ebb and flow of possibility more clearly then we begin to realize that another big decision is making itself known, and that is, do we really want to descend back down to the floor where we usually get off? DKH

All images and Text by Dean K Holden © All Rights Reserved 2024

No images Or text are to be reproduced without the written consent of Dean K Holden
